Characteristics of Magic Fx Formula
- Platform: Metatrader4
- Currency pairs: Trend currency pairs
- Trading Time: Any
- Timeframe: M5 and higher
- Recommended broker: Alpari
Rules of trade by Magic Fx Formula
Open a Long position when indicator displays “BUY” on chart and at the same time has appeared a green circle:Open a Short position when indicator displays “SELL” on chart and at the same time has appeared a red circle:
Stop Loss should be installed a few pips below the local minimum for Buy and a few pips above the local maximum for Sell.
Exit of position can be carried out with the appearance of the opposite signal or at achievement of Take Profit.
A small video demonstration of the indicator in real time:
In the archives Magic_Fx_Formula.rar:
- Magic Fx Formula.ex4
- Magic Fx Formula.mq4
- Magic Fx Formula.tpl
- Magic Fx Formula Manual.pdf
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